Great questions – especially the ones you ask yourself – are hard to come by. But great questions help you think more clearly. They make you pause. They interrupt old ways of thinking that are getting in your way. They stimulate and provoke.
Great questions make you curious about yourself and your company. REALLY curious. The kind of curiosity that we find in five-year-olds who ask a thousand “whys.”
Examples include:
Why do some prospects not buy our products?
What is unique about our business? How does that uniqueness solve a customer problem better than anyone else?
In which markets or products should we stop investing? Why?
What could we outsource that we are not good at so we can focus on what we do best? How might we do that? (Examples might include: customer acquisition, manufacturing, logistics, etc.)
This Week:
Write down one area in your company that is causing you worry or feels like a bottleneck. Then write down a few good questions. Then go find the answers.
Share your questions on Facebook or LinkedIn if you think they will help others. Send me your questions (and your answers if you want) by Friday. I’ll send you my thoughts.