There is much we fear. It might not feel like “I’m-about-to-fall-off-a-cliff” kind of fear, but it is fear. And it stops us from making the progress we desire.
However, fear often tells us what is important. It tells us what we must do. Things like:
- Firing that head of sales that performs but is dishonest.
- Having that discussion with your business partner (you know which one).
- Shutting down that product line that is keeping you from growing.
- Upgrading your leadership team.
Think about the last time you overcame a fear. It was never as bad as you thought, was it? It’s always that way. Always.
This Week (and every week if you are feeling up to it):
Write down several areas where you are holding yourself back from the progress you want to make. Something you fear. Then write down the ways you could overcome that fear. Send me a note on by Friday about what you did.
Overcoming fear is one key aspect of becoming a better, more conscious leader. My friends at Aileron have put together a series of leadership programs focused on small business owners that you might be interested in. When I put these principles into practice, I find that I am able to get much more done with less effort . . . and more joy! Please check them out.