You’ve read my blog on how to compete better.
On how to create industry-defining value propositions.
On how to innovate with and for your customers.
These are all big ideas. And with most big ideas, it hard to know where to start.
On May 10, I will be leading an Aileron workshop that teaches many of these concepts to you and your team. I’ll show you where to start. And how to finish.
You’ll leave the workshop a little tired but with real ideas to get the growth that you’ve always wanted. To discover the keys to earning higher margins. And to move past price as the predominate way your products and services are selected.
Can’t make the May 10th workshop? Aileron offers the workshop on a private basis where I work directly with your team on your schedule.
For more information, please visit: Aileron’s Value Proposition Workshop.
P.S. This workshop is hard work. But I make it fun, and you will walk away with an actionable plan to get your prospects to sit up and pay attention.