Often times a really good strategy makes you uncomfortable. It forces you to make choices. And making choices is the opposite of keeping our options open. It’s the opposite of serving many different markets each wanting our value proposition delivered in different ways.
Good strategy forces you to say no to some opportunities while, at the same time, making bets on a new delivery approach, a new pricing structure, a new business model. All of which just might not work.
Good strategy–the kind that allows you to acquire and keep more profitable customers–starts off a little scary. It makes you uncomfortable.
So, this week, identify the small group of customers that deliver 80% of your profits. And then imagine a strategy that only focuses on serving them more and better. What might your company look like if you shift resources to double-down on your best customers? Does it feel a little uncomfortable?
Often times, the fear we feel is just a signal that something is worth pursuing.
To help you determine if your strategy might need to change, please take this Big Strategy Assessment.