Growth Assessment Step 1 of 3 33% Find out in 3 minutes what might be getting in the way of the growth you want. You’ll see your results instantly including actionable tips on what do next!What makes you different?Would you say your company delivers more value than your competitors in a way that gives you the right to charge more and/or earn higher margins?* Yes No I'm not sure If you would ask someone, "what is the one thing that makes us stand out in the market?" would the answers generally be clear and consistent across your prospects, customers and employees?* Yes, answers would be consistent. Yes with customers and employees, but not with prospects. No, it would not be clear and consistent. Would the answers in Question 2 above center on the operational aspects of your business such as quality, customer service, efficiency or state-of-art technology?* Yes Some are operational and some are not No Does your company have a set of activities (the things you do to create, produce, sell and deliver your products or services) that you are GREAT at (something competitors can't beat and customers value) or GOOD at (better than most, but not all, of your competitors)?* Yes (Great at) Yes (Good at) Not Sure No Please briefly describe what you considered in your answer to the question above.(Optional) Do the activities you considered in question 4 above fit together to increase your chances of winning in the markets in which you compete? (Example: Southwest Airline operates short-haul planes in low-cost airports, with very-fast gate changes, and with no food or first-class service which all fits together in a way that outperforms larger airlines such as United or Delta Airlines.)* Yes, our activities are fully connected and aligned Some are aligned, others seem isolated from our core strategy No, our competitive advantage is more of marketing strategy message without a lot of supporting concrete evidence Not sure Which of the following is hard for your company to do? (Click all that apply.)* Creating a clear and differentiating strategy Getting prospects to understand the value we bring Staying focused on a clear strategic direction (we tend to easily get distracted by new ideas and opportunities) None of the above. Our strategy is clear and well executed Does your company have a clearly stated and documented list of strategic priorities?* Yes No How many?* 1 to 3 4 to 6 7 t0 9 More than 10 How well do you grow?How difficult is it for your company to grow?* Very difficult It comes in short bursts It's not difficult Which of these best describes your company’s philosophy about growth?* We look at what we're great at and find a market that is more likely to respond to the value we bring We choose an attractive market and figure out how to be successful in it We pursue a variety of strategic initiatives to reduce the risk of our business Over the past 5 years, how has your company primarily tried to achieve growth?* Increasing sales in our core markets or existing products Expanding our portfolio of products or services Expanding into new geographies Have not actively tried to grow How often do these growth initiatives pay off?* Often Some do and some don't Rarely PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ ShareTweetShare